Dear guest,

Considering your concerns related to Covid-19 virus and the safety measures taken by us, you may rest assured that it will be safe to stay with us.

We humbly submit that because of our good facilities, sense of hygiene and commitment, our property was listed as one of the two Govt recognised private quarantine centres on the entire stretch of the beach area.

We are taking all the possible precautions under our control to minimise the impact of Covid-19 virus.

In addition to wearing face mask & gloves while serving our guests, we undertake regular spraying in the common areas and outside every cottage. As a matter of fact, we have been spraying regularly since we started OmBodhi Retreat in mid-October 2018.

Hand wash facilities are at the entrance of the reception and also outside each room. Keys are sanitised before handing over to the guests.

Face masks and gloves are also available for our guests.

Management, OmBodhi Retreat