Clean Beach Initiative

At OmBodhi Retreat Beach, we believe in maintaining the pristine beauty of this coastal haven and encourage all visitors to join us in our mission of responsible beach cleaning.

Beach cleanliness is vital for several reasons:

  • Environmental Preservation: A clean beach ensures the protection of marine life, as discarded trash can be harmful or deadly to various species. Plastic debris can be ingested by marine animals, leading to choking, digestive problems, and even death.
  • Human Health: Polluted beaches can pose risks to human health. Trash left behind by visitors can attract pests and create breeding grounds for disease-carrying organisms. Moreover, polluted water can lead to illnesses for those who swim or surf in it.
  • Aesthetic Pleasure: A clutter-free beach provides a more enjoyable experience for everyone. People visit beaches to relax, unwind, and connect with nature, and a clean environment enhances this experience.

At OmBodhi Retreat Beach, we recognize that keeping our beach clean is a collective responsibility. We strive to lead by example and have implemented several initiatives to maintain the cleanliness of our beloved beach:

Regular Clean-Up Drives: We organize regular clean-up drives involving our staff, volunteers, and members of the local community. These events help remove litter and debris from the beach and raise awareness about the importance of cleanliness.

Trash Collection Bins: We have strategically placed trash collection bins along the beach, encouraging visitors to dispose of their waste responsibly.

Clean Beach Initiative
Clean Beach Initiative
Clean Beach Initiative
Clean Beach Initiative
Clean Beach Initiative
Clean Beach Initiative